SEL letters
Question Mark

What is SEL?

Social emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which boys and girls and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary for being a healthy adult. This includes problem-solving skills and communication and understanding, as well as teaching kids to embrace diversity and build healthy relationships that will last well into adulthood.

Harmony Social & Emotional Learning

Social emotional with pencils

How does SEL benefit students?

  • Perform 13% better academically

  • Experience fewer conduct problems, emotional distress, and drug use

  • Graduate from high school and college at higher rates

  • Are less likely to experience mental health disorders

  • Are less likely to be involved in the juvenile justice system

Sanford Harmony

Sanford Harmony is a social-emotional teaching program that cultivates supportive and respectful relationships and is designed to build healthy relationships among students. Over the course of the five units:

Diversity and Inclusion • Critical Thinking • Communication • Problem Solving • Peer Relationships

students will participate in engaging activities designed to enhance their abilities to learn, work, and spend time together.

Tips & Additional SEL Resources for Families