Parent Teacher Association
PTA Board Members 2024 -2025
Carmen Torres
Vice President
Caroline Barretta
2nd Vice President
Deanna Zito
3rd Vice President
Kelly Lang
Maggie Veres
Jennifer Decoursey
PS/IS 128 PTA email-
January 6th, 2025 @ 7 PM
February 3rd, 2025 @ 7 PM
March 3rd, 2025 @ 7 PM
April 7th, 2025 @ 7 PM
May 5th, 2025 @ 7 PM
Elections: June 2nd, 2025 @ 7 PM
A link to the meetings with be emailed during the week prior to the meeting.
School Leadership Team
School Leadership Team (SLT) Members
Co-President Deanna Zito
Christine Dai -Parent
Gina Sclafani- Parent
Fanny Martinez - Parent
Jennifer DeCoursey -Parent
Agata Mojica- UFT Chapter Leader
Jennifer Farley-Chairperson
Victoria Kataev- Secretary
JoAnn Trani-Principal
School Leadership Team Meetings
October 24
November 21
December 19
January 16
February 27
March 20
April 24
May 15
June 12
September 2024 Minutes
SLT Minutes: 09/26/24
Absences: Gina Sclafani
June Minutes: Approved
Secretary: Victoria Kataev
Chairperson: Jennifer Farley
GRP (General Response Protocol)
Implemented from the first day of school inside the classroom with each teacher and in the auditorium for a grade-level safety assembly.
New protocol: Community is notified if a lockdown is put into place during the school day.
Each year, a safety plan is created: What happens during each lockdown, fire drill, hold, or shelter in?
Class structure/Class size
We are now a part of the smaller class size initiative.
We opened two new classes in the middle school: One 6th grade and one 7th grade.
We are capped in our 4th, 5th, and 8th grade classes. New students cannot be registered for those grades.
The Horizon program was expanded: 6th and 7th grade class available.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Conferences will be virtual.
December, March, and May conferences.
Access available
SLT Meeting minutes, agenda, and attendance must be uploaded to the platform.
Schedule Future Meetings
The third Thursday of each month at 3:30 p
Next meetings: October 17th, November 21st, December 19th, January 16th, February 27th, March 20th, April 24th, May 15th, June 12th
To be discussed:
Proper safety practices for new door
Changing pioneer logo: Possible spirit Fridays?
October 2024 Minutes
SLT Minutes October 30, 2024
Absent: Fanny Martinez, Victoria Kataev
Discussion about the school’s name of Pioneers. Feedback from teachers is that it does not want to be abandoned.
Astronauts should be added to selection since it is part of the identity of the Pioneers.
Parent community is excited to have a mascot
There is discrepancy about what is happening- if we are also changing the Pioneers name or just incorporating a mascot to what we already have
A survey will be sent to parent, teacher, and school community to agree what it should be
Parent Teacher Conferences
December 5 are PTC. It will be a professional development day for teachers and students will not be in school. Conferences are still remote, however if parents would like to schedule a time to meet with teachers, they can
March 13 is also a PTC day. Students will not be in attendance, and teachers will have a professional development day.
Guidance counselor on leave, and we have a substitute during the absence
Ms. Mojica is the part time dean
ICT 5th ad 7th grade have positions to be filled
November 2024 Minutes
SLT Minutes
December 2024 Minutes
SLT Minutes